Calling all students, workers, and anyone interested in organising against digital complicity from occupied Kashmir to Palestine!

Join No Tech For Tyrants for a teach-in with No Tech For Apartheid and the Distributed AI Research Institute on Friday, 26 January 2024, 6:30 – 8 pm GMT.
The teach in will be held both in-person (London- Space4, Finsbury Park – face masks required!) and hybrid online format. Register at tinyurl [dot] com [forward slash] 3zkp55f9
Alex Hanna (Distributed AI Research Institute)
Matt Mahmoudi (University of Cambridge, Amnesty International, No Tech For Tyrants)
Ifat Gazia (Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure, UMass Amherst)
Mona Shtaya (The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy)
Bathool Syed (No Tech For Apartheid, former Amazon worker)
Further details:
This will be an action-oriented teach-in on technology and settler colonialism, from occupied Kashmir to Palestine:
-Open to students and workers (especially CS students & tech workers), organisers, and anyone interested in solidarity with anti-colonial movements worldwide.
-With practical lessons from key organisers, including Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR), No Tech For Apartheid (NOTA), and No Tech For Tyrants (NT4T).
-Strategize for the upcoming term on how we can keep up the momentum to organize against digitized settler colonialism, as those studying or working within tech spaces